For me audience feedback has been a great help in understanding what i have done well and where i havent succeeded as much this therefore allows me to adapt my work so that i can acheive the best results possible and this was hard to acheive without hearing the opinions of my potential final customers therefore they have aided in the creation of the three peices.
Not only did they assess my trailer but they also gave me help in creating the magazine cover and poster and told me what they felt looked good, appealing and what they felt could be adapted to make it that much more successful for the future.
Below are the results of my questionairre:
What do you think about the magazine cover?
What do you feel about it compared to a market leader such as Empire?
The responeses included :
"i feel that it is a different magazine cover that varies largely from those already in the market and targets a niche in the market"
"It is very well designed and has good qualities and is very easy to look at i would definatley buy it"
"i feel compared to a market leader it is not quite there yet, but that is obvious as it has only just been created over time with more knowledge and materials available i feel it has good potential"
- What do you think of the film poster in terms of a horror film?
- If walking past this poster would it catch your eye enough to stop and take interest?
I asked these questions to the group as a whole and asked them to discuss it together while i sit out and write notes about what is being discussed. Initially they began talking about the film poster compared to other horrors.
" Compared to horrors such as Saw i would say that it is not in the same league, however we cannot compare it to that due to the large scale and funds they have available therefore i feel for a small budget piece it is very good and an eye catching piece."
"For me i do not feel it has enough horror about it to scare an audience and catch the eye, however to do this i feel all that needs doing is going against the conventions and have the man with the murderer in the background rather than him alone."
"I feel for a small budget it has been well worked and gives the impression the character is looking into the dark with little knowledge of his surroundings and is a good piece"
- If you were to see this teaser trailer, would you be enticed to go and see the film itself?
The group had this discussion for roughly 5 minutes and some of the results which were found included:
- "Its a very insightful and typical horror film, but for me to see it, i feel it needs more gore and blood as the trailer did not fulfil this."
- "Really enjoyed the trailer thought the song was perfect for the trailer and the captions suited the film"
- "From first look i probably wouldn’t see it however from reading the storyline i would definitely enjoy this type of film as it is one of the characteristics i enjoy"
As shown above i asked a number of questions and got a wide range of answers which was good as it allowed me to understand what i could change and so that i could make my peices as good as possible. I also found it useful as many of the people i asked would be those who would see the film not those who would just look at the piece and have little understanding of the genre. I asked a wide range of people therefore my results gave a wide range of answers which was better than a small number as it gave me more scope to change and therefore better my work rather than just 5 peoples opinions as this may be biased whereas with 25 people there is less chance of pupil bias.
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