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Saturday 1 January 2011

Final Touches

Our deadline for our coursework was to be february half term due to a busy schedule early in the year. We had to have our work finished and handed in by thrusday 17th february, therefore i had to put the final touches to my work and make sure i was happy with all the sections.

Firstly i looked at the magazine cover i made sure that all the colours were how i had planned them to be and that they matched where possible. I had to make sure that the type and size of font was the same or very similar for all the small text peices and for the rest looked recognisable and resembled my film. I then looked at the main images and played around with them slightly to where i felt they looked better, this was a very short process and was a successful one as i had self beleif that i had made a successful peice and was happy with the work i had put together.

I then went on to look at my Film Poster, now with this i had only placed the main image a few days prior so therefore i had to make sure all the editing to the image was done correctly. This meant zooming in and checking the edges of the image for any peices which would make the picture stand out but not in a good way. This was a timely process as i felt it was key to get it right so that i would have the best possible quality image available. I then went on to look at all the peices of text to check that they were the correct colours that i had planned and the correct size of font and type of font. This was a short and simple process that took a matter of minutes and would give me satisfaction that all the texts looked correct. I then finally made sure the stars for the ratings were all the same size so that they all looked the same and wernt out of shape.

Finally i went over my film, i played it through a few times checking on the editing making sure it flowed well and had adequate shot and good filming involved, some of the editing needed to be ammeneded as it was slightly slow and not smooth enough however this was only for a few of the shots and therefore was not very time consuming. I then made sure that all the captions were the same size and resembled the film correctly, my first initial wish was to get my title from my poster and magazine cover into the film however with the software we were using this would not be possible and i would have to create one there and then. This was a small setback and i countered it by creating a very similar one in Corel Video Studio so that it would be very similar to the others.

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